Unit 7: Forces
Unit 7: Forces
Unit 7: Forces
There are so many forces that we use everyday without too much thought. We push, pull, lift and throw as well as squashing and breaking objects. Unit 7 will demonstrate how forces have direction and size. You will learn how objects move and how fast they are moving. Did you know that our own solar system moves through space at about 250 kilometres each second!
There are so many forces that we use everyday without too much thought. We push, pull, lift and throw as well as squashing and breaking objects. Unit 7 will demonstrate how forces have direction and size. You will learn how objects move and how fast they are moving. Did you know that our own solar system moves through space at about 250 kilometres each second!
You may recall KS2 work on levers; this topic builds on this and you will develop an understanding of ‘moments’ and link it back to the skeletal system.
You may recall KS2 work on levers; this topic builds on this and you will develop an understanding of ‘moments’ and link it back to the skeletal system.
There will be an opportunity for you to conduct investigations on pressure and Hooke’s Law, all of which will help build your confidence in the application of mathematical skills in physics.
There will be an opportunity for you to conduct investigations on pressure and Hooke’s Law, all of which will help build your confidence in the application of mathematical skills in physics.
Unit 7 Glossary.docx.pdf
Core questions
Core questions
Unit 7 Core questions.pdf
Learning Journey
Learning Journey
Copy of Unit 7 - Forces Learning Journey.pdf
Balanced and unbalanced forces
What is Force?
Why you weigh more on Jupiter?
Forces and Motion
Exploring pressure on a solid surface
The Science of Water Pressure
Machines and Moments