Unit 1 - Introduction to Science
Unit 1: Introduction to Science
Unit 1: Introduction to Science
In this unit, you are introduced to the Science lab, the specialist equipment we use, and how to carry out practicals safely.
In this unit, you are introduced to the Science lab, the specialist equipment we use, and how to carry out practicals safely.
We also check what you remember from your primary science education, and revisit the topics that you are less secure on, to make sure that you are ready for your KS3 Science learning.
We also check what you remember from your primary science education, and revisit the topics that you are less secure on, to make sure that you are ready for your KS3 Science learning.

Core questions
Core questions

Learning Journey
Learning Journey

Lab safety
Using a Bunsen burner
Heating and Cooling
Scientific method
Primary review - States of matter
Primary review - Properties of Materials
Primary review - Soil and Rocks
Primary review - Circuits
Primary review - Introduction to forcesÂ
Primary review - The solar system
Primary review - Light
Primary review - Major Organs of the Human Body
Primary review - Classifying Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Primary review - Habitats
Primary review - Plants